

This Document formalizes the QUALITY and ENVIRONMENT POLICY adopted by LIGHT AT MOTION S.r.l. with the implementation of its Quality and Environment Management System (QMS) in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001 of 2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001 of 2015.
The scope of the Quality and Environmental Management System refers to the following activities:
Introducing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, LIGHT AT MOTION S.r.l. aims to respect the environment, the relative legislative obligations and the pursuit of continuous improvement of its environmental performance.
In order to make the Quality and Environmental Management System operative, a special Manual (MQA) has been drawn up in which the responsibilities, authorities and organizational interfaces are defined for carrying out all the company activities necessary for the correct realization of the product and for carrying out the processes and supporting activities in compliance with the reference standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
In accordance with the current Company Organigram, the Quality Manager is entrusted with the task of managing the Quality Management System, interfacing with the various company functions. All environmental aspects are the responsibility of the management (MANAGEMENT), which will interface with Quality Manager on the actions to be pursued in the ISO 14001 environmental field.
The Quality Manager has the faculty to start and promote all the actions for the ADJUSTMENT, DEVELOPMENT and APPLICATION of the QMS referring to THE MANAGER in the person of Kaoutar Benyadou for any problems that may arise.
The long-term OBJECTIVES that LIGHT AT MOTION S.r.l. has set itself with this Policy are:

  • To carry out and keep constantly updated its own Environmental Analysis reporting the environmental aspects present as well as the compliance obligations.
  •  Create lighting equipment according to the specific needs of its customers
  •  Constantly improve the company organization, making it more efficient by continuously reducing product and process non-conformities
  •  Measure and increase customer satisfaction by implementing appropriate corrective and preventive actions
  •  Increase the quality level of the product manufactured
  •  Identify the needs and expectations of stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, authorities (municipality, region, etc.) assessing the Risks and Opportunities with their impact on business activities defining the related actions for their containment/elimination or pursuit for the Opportunities.
  •  To continuously train and sensitize resources to the concepts of Quality and Environment.

The short-term OBJECTIVES are defined in the Improvement Plans that LIGHT AT MOTION S.r.l. draws up as an "output" of the annual review of the QMS, which is carried out in January each year.
With regard to environmental aspects, LIGHT AT MOTION S.r.l. aims to:

  • the purchase of electrical energy from renewable sources
  •  the use of more efficient lighting technologies and systems in line with the products manufactured.

Since the application of the QMS and the achievement of the objectives described above depend on all the personnel of LIGHT AT MOTION S.r.l., each individual company resource is invited to carry out his or her activities according to what is reported in the relevant Procedures and in the Forms/Operational Instructions referred to.